The Vessel 'Queen Transport'

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Reference WMO/178247


St Mylor's Church

Mylor Churchtown

TR11 5UE


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Status: On original site
Type: Freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Within a garden/park/churchyard/enclosure/Marketplace
Description: Addition to Gravestone
  • Stone Limestone
Lettering: Incised
  • Revolutionary/Napoleonic (1792-1815)
About the memorial: Limestone gravestone with, at the top, an engraving of a vessel in tumultuous seas. This disaster is thought to have been one of the worst, in UK waters, ever. The ship had arrived from Lisbon on 10 January and anchored in Carrick Roads. As well as soldiers and seamen from the Peninsula War she was conveying many of their family members. During a violent snowstorm on 13 January she began to drag her anchor. In the small hours of the following day in the midst of a dark and stormy winter’s night the cable parted. By dawn she was a total wreck, and 195 of the 330 on board perished. They are buried in a variety of local churchyards, where they were washed up in due course. Elsewhere in Mylor Churchyard there is a gravestone to the wife and five children of Lieutenant Robert Daniell of 30th Regiment, all of whom perished leaving only Lieutenant Daniell, one of the very few to survive. The memorial incorporates a small lifeboat.
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To the Memory of the/WARRIORS,/Women and Children/who on their return to England/from the Coast of Spain/unhappily perished/in the wreck of the/Queen Transport/on Trefusis Point. Jany 14, 1814/This Stone is erected as a Testimony/of regret for their fate by the/Inhabitants of this Parish


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