Peterborough Hospital, WW1 Roll of Honour (original 1921 version)

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Reference WMO/290616


Peterborough City Hospital

Edith Cavell Campus

Bretton Gate




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Status: On subsequent site(s)
Type: Non freestanding
Location: Internal
Setting: Inside a building - public/private
Description: Roll of Honour or Book of Remembrance
  • Paper Paper
Lettering: Other
  • First World War (1914-1918)
About the memorial: Ribbon-tied WW1 Roll of Honour, in the form of 59 typed sheets of paper bearing casualties' details, including a page listing 42 alumni of St Peter's College who died. (This Roll of Honour was ceremonially presented to the Mayor of Peterborough in 1921, at which time its front page bore an illuminated dedicatory inscription, stating that it recorded the names of 1047 casualties. Having been held by the Mayor pending a decision re the most suitable place for the Roll to be kept, it was subsequently decided that it would be appropriate for it to be placed in the newly-built Hospital that had been erected to commemorate those from the city who had died in the First World War. In the late 1920s, a wooden casket was therefore made for the Roll of Honour, at which time its illuminated front page was carefully detached and mounted within the glazed outer panel of the casket, into the cavity of which was placed the remainder of the Roll, bearing the names details. The casket was placed in the Boardroom of the newly-built Peterborough War Memorial Hospital. That remained the status quo for nearly 70 years, at which time the illuminated dedicatory page of the Roll was left within the casket's glazed panel, but these original type-written sheets were removed from the casket and replaced with a revised version of the Roll of Honour, compiled in 1994; our record WMO/290617 relates to that later version of the Roll of Honour. The original 1921 Roll of names was retained, and is now stored separately). Access to the Roll is possible by making an appointment with the Hospital's Company Secretary. The original War Memorial Hospital was later the Memorial Wing of Peterborough District Hospital.
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The dedicatory page (which is no longer attached, having been mounted in the glazed front panel of the casket created to contain this Roll of Honour) reads: IN SACRED AND LOVING MEMORY OF THE/ 1047 glorious men of PETERBOROUGH who laid down their/ lives in the Great War, 1914-1918, and whose names are recorded/ on this/ ROLL OF HONOUR/ and to whose/ undying fame Memorials have been erected and dedicated at the churches of St John, St Mark,/ St Paul, All Saints, St Augustine, & Barnabas, in the City of Peterborough and at the Parish churches/ of Stanground, Old Fletton, Newark & Werrington. In the Cathedral to the Collegians of St Peter's/ College, & to the Old Boys of King's School. In the Chapels of the United Methodists, at/ Boroughbury & Old Fletton, the Cobden Street Primitive Methodists, the Park Road Baptist/ Church, the Wentworth Street Wesleyans, and the Salvation Army Citadel. In the Deacon's School/ to the Old Boys of the School; outside the Guildhall to the Corporation Employees; outside the/ General Post Office to the Postal Officials, and outside the Head Office of the Co-operative/ Society to the Society's Employees. First section: (names) Second section: The following is the record of/ the Collegians who were students before the War at St/ Peter's College, Peterborough who fell in action./ It has not been possible to obtain a complete/ record of their particulars./ (names)

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