James George Handford

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Reference WMO/291197


St Mary's Church

Boulton Lane

Boulton by Derby

DE24 0GE


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Status: On original site
Type: Freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Within a garden/park/churchyard/enclosure/Marketplace
Description: Addition to Gravestone
  • Stone Marble
Lettering: Leaded
  • First World War (1914-1918)
About the memorial: Lettering added to a stone on a family grave. Plain oblong white marble kerbstones bear the inlaid inscription in upright capital lettering on the upper face. The maker's mark is on the face of the southeast corner post. The gravestone is near the centre of the churchyard, west of the church.
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South kerb: IN LOVING MEMORY OF [JAMES HANDFORD, WHO DIED 21ST. JULY 1938, AGED 72 YEARS.]; East kerb: ALSO JAMES G. HANDFORD, THEIR SON/ KILLED IN FRANCE DEC. 20. 1916, AGED 26 YEARS.; North kerb: [...]; West kerb: "REST IN PEACE."; Corner post: [BERESFORD]

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