St Michael's Church WW1 Roll of Honour (2 of 2)

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Reference WMO/291329


St Michael's Church

Main Street


DE72 3DX


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Status: On original site
Type: Non freestanding
Location: Internal
Setting: Inside a building - public/private
Description: Roll of Honour or Book of Remembrance
  • Glass Glass
  • Paper Paper
  • Timber Timber (any)
Lettering: Other
  • First World War (1914-1918)
About the memorial: A framed and glazed paper roll of honour. There are two adjacent rolls for WW1: this is the wider one with names in three columns, and appears to be the newer of the two. The principal headings and texts are in red and black capital roman calligraphy with the names in black calligraphy with those of the fallen prefixed with a small red cross. The frame is of narrow wooden beading. The roll of honour is inside, on the south wall of the south aisle, at the east end. There are a total of 203 names of whom 35 fell.
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Column 1-  Adkin George/  Archer Arthur/ + Archer Charles Henry/  Baldwin Cecil/ + Barker Charles/  Barker Joseph/  Barker George/ + Beech Edwin/  Bestwick Everard Stanley/  Bird Fred/  Bond Fred/  Bosworth Leon C/  Bowley Edward/  Briggs James/  Burley Albert/  Chilvers William/  Cholerton John Thomas/  Clewes Henry/  Clewes Richard Joseph/  Cole William/ + Cowing Ralph Henry/ + Clifton George/  Daft Harold/ + Daft Henry/  Daft William/  Dakin Peter/ + Daykin Harold/  Daykin William Henry Laurence/  Davies Clement/  Derrick Arthur/  Derrick George/ + Domleo Robert Frearson/  Domleo Stephen John M.C. & C de G./  Dugdale Robert Henry/  Dunning Percy Malcolm Douglas/  Elliott Walter/  Elston Titus George/  Elston John Henry/  Frearson Charles Hermon/  Fowkes Alonzo/ + Gamble Herbert/  Gamble Wilfred/  Gilbert Henry/ + Grebby Albert/ + Grebby Edgar/  Hall Benjamin/  Hall Francis Andrew/ + Hall William Arthur/  Hall Charles/  Hallam Arthur/ + Hallam Frederick/  Hammond James Henry/  Harrold Alfred Peskett/  Haslett Leonard James/  Harvey Charles Reginald MSM/ + Harvey Norman Victor/  Haycock Albert/  Hickling Edward Whitby/  Hill Thomas Fernyhough/  Hind Arnold Samuel/  Hogg Richard Arnold/ + Jardine Peter Grant  Jeffs Jesse/  Kent George/ + Kent William/ + Last Fred/  Hutchinson German/  Stevenson, Archibald; Column 2-  Leeke Charles/  Leeke Percy George/  Levers Joseph/  Levers Robert/  Levers Ted/  Lewis John/ + Litchfield George Henry/ + Langham Harry/  Lord Thomas/  Lowe Horace/ + Maltby Enoch Edward/  Maltby Harry M.M. DCM./  Mannering Seth Payne/  Marks Francis Hedley/  Middleton Frederick/ + Middleton William/  Mills George William/ + Mills Harold/ + Mills Horace/ + Mills John/  Morley Samuel George/  Osborne Bernard M.M./  Perks Albert William M.M./  Perks Frank George/  Perkins Charles/  Plackett Arthur/  Plackett Bernard/  Plackett Cecil Henry/  Plackett Denis/ + Plackett Frank/ + Plackett George Henry/  Plackett Joseph/  Plackett Lawrence Ewart/  Plackett Vincent Harry/  Plackett William Leonard/  Plackett William Henry/  Plummer John/  Potter Horace Frank/  Potter Norman/  Pulpher Herbert/  Pulpher Leslie/  Read William/  Richardson Albert/  Rigby Thomas Harold/  Rippin George Richard/  Rippin Thomas/  Roberts Joseph/  Robinson John Arthur/  Ross Alfred/  Ross Frederick/  Russ Henry/  Sandy Joseph D.C.M./  Sandy George/  Sandy William/ + Siddals Edgar James Startin/  Siddals George Henry/  Shaw William Andrew/ + Sheavyn William Frederick/  Slater George Stanley/  Smith Harold Walter/  Smith William Ernest/  Springthorpe George/ + Stevenson Arnold/  Stevenson John/  Stevenson Joseph Hind/  Stevenson Howard/ + Plackett Lewis.; Column 3-  Walker Francis Willoughby C. de G./  Ward Charles Malcolm/  Ward George/  Ward Neville Joseph/  Watson John Harrison M.C./ + Watson Thomas Palmer M.C./  Webb John/  West Henry/  White Arthur/  Williams Arthur/  Wildbur Joseph/  Winson Frank/  Wood Horace/  Woodward Clarence/  Woodward William Harold/  Elston Clarence John/  Stevenson Oliver Edward/  Allen Herbert/  Thorley Joseph/  Harvey Wilfred Ellis/  Hallam John William/ + Winson Walter/  Shepherd Percy/  Littlewood Arthur/  Summers Edgar/ + Howe George/  Lee Roland Wilfred/  Walker Thomas/  Wallis Harry/  Bestwick Arthur Henry Stanley/  Harvey George Vincent/  Lench Squire/  Meakin Albert Edward/  Horobin William John/  Robinson Percy/  Damon Robert/  Plummer Charles/  Stevenson Harold/ + Smith Montague Wilfred Aulton/  Clewes John Wilkinson./  Kerry Edward/  Stone Charles/  Walker John Stanley M.M./  Turner Alfred/  Wheatley Thomas/  Stevenson Arnold Samuel/ + Prust Harold/  Godsmark Ronald M.M./  Kent Edgar/  Cook George William/  Haddock Charles John/  Hales Thomas/  Gamble Jesse/  Stevenson George Edward/  Clifton Benjamin Redvers/  Newbould William/  Stone Edward John William/  Caunt George Leslie/  Woodward Wilfred/  Siddals Christopher Herbert/  Stone George Edwin Burrows/  Hales John Henry/  Rigby John James H./  Heath William./  d’Haese Rene/  Verhoeven Joseph/  Elliott Raymond Walter/  Dury John

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