Second Presbyterian Church Newtonards WW1

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Reference WMO/292146


Second Presbyterian Church

Upper Mary Street


BT23 4DQ

Northern Ireland

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Status: On original site
Type: Non freestanding
Location: Internal
Setting: Attached to a building/structure
Description: Board/Plaque/ Tablet
  • Metal Brass
  • Timber Timber (any)
Lettering: Inscribed on a plaque
  • First World War (1914-1918)
About the memorial: Brass Plaque in a wooden frame. The names of the fallen are in a wreath at centre, flanked on either side by the names of the served and returned. The names of 4 women nurses of the Queen Mary's Army Corps are at the end of the right hand column of those who served.
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The fallen-Carnduff Robert RIR/Crooks Samuel RN/Gordon Samuel H RIR/ Harvey John RIR/Lightbody Robert R Inn F/Moore Hamilton RIR/ Montgomery William KOSB/McKibben Hamilton RIR/McDowell Alex Kgs L Pool/ Newell Charles RIR/Newell Thomas RIR/Paden W H R G RIR; The served- Adams G RIR Long Wm RFA/ Algie Sgt Mjr Jas RFA Long D R RIF/ Aicken Sgt Alex ASC Murphy Sgt Jhn RIR/ Beattie Sgt Sl R Inn F Majury D RIR/ Beattie Cpl Wm (Jnr) RIR Mawhinney Sgt Wm G Jas RIR/ Beattie Wm RIR Morrison Wm RE/ Beattie Thos MTC Montgomery A RE/ Blevings Cpl Robt RIR Moorehead Sgt S Jas RIR/ Brown D RNT McCann Cpl R Jas RIR/ Clarke Jhn RFA McIntyre Jhn RIR/ Clarke Jas RIR McKibben Ham (Snr) RIR/ Campbell Sgt Wm RIR McKibben D RIR/ Cahoon D RIR McMeekan Jas RIR/ Cahoon Jas RIR McMeekan H RIR/ Curry Robt RFC McIlroy Wm R Inn F/ Doggart Wm L RE McConnell Isaac RIF/ Doggart Sgt Maurice RIR McClure Jos 1st CPO RN/ Doggart Cpl Jhn ASC McKnight H MTC/ Doggart Robt RAMC Pagen Jhn RIR/ Ferguson D McC Cdns Patterson Jhn R Inn F/ Ferguson Shaw RAMC Rowley Jhn B RIR/ Finlay Cpl Hugh R Inn F Rowley Jas RIR/ Foster Thos RIR Rutherford Cpl Jhn RIR/ Foster Alexr RIR Savage Cpl Robt MGC/ Foster Jhn RIR Savage Edwin P RIR/ Filson Charles MTC Snodden Rgte Sgt Mjr Jas DCM MM/ Gray Bmdr Robt RFA Stewart Robt RIR/ Garrett Sgt Wm ASC Stratton G RIR/ Gilliland Robt RIR Strain Cpl W R RIR/ Gilliland Jhn RIR Telford Nelson R Inn F/ Gamble Sgt Jhn L RIR Wallace Jas RIR/ Gamble Robt ASC White Jas RFC/ Galloway R Jas RIR Woods D RIR/ Galloway D USAFA Woods Thos RIR/ Hay A McL Mancr Regt Woods Alexr RIR/ Heron John RE Woods Sgt H RIR/ Heslip Danl RIR Young Hugh RIH/ Irvine Sgt Jas RIR QMAC / Irvine Sgt Sl RIR Cahoon Mary A/ Jaco Lieut Francis RNT Filson Sarah/ Johnston H RIR Glenn Agnes / Kerr Sgt Thos H RIR Martin Rachel/ Strong A RAF

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