Robert McLaurin (of Drew Memorial Church, Belfast)

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Reference WMO/292365


St Peter's Church




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Status: On subsequent site(s)
Type: Non freestanding
Location: Internal
Setting: Inside a building - public/private
Description: Composite
  • Metal Metal (any)
  • Metal Brass
Lettering: Inscribed on a plaque
  • First World War (1914-1918)
About the memorial: Memorial found on eBay in 2022. Brass Plaque which accompanied the organ when it was moved after the closure of Drew Memorial Church, Belfast (St Philip's) to St Peter's Church, More, Shropshire. It is unclear whether the memorial has been removed from More Church, or if this plaque has been otherwise acquired. Robert McLaurin was born on 10th December 1884 to James McLaurin and Margaret McLaurin (nee Hardy) who farmed land at Tullanafoile in County Tyrone. His brother, Hugh, had established himself as a Wholesale Fruit Merchant in Belfast with premises on Oxford Street. Robert joined the firm as a traveller. In 1911, Hugh and Robert and two other siblings were living at Richview House on the Donegall Road. Robert was a member of Drew Memorial (St Philip's) Parish Church on the Grosvenor Road where he was a Sunday School teacher, churchwarden, and sang in the choir. Robert was a member of the South Belfast Regiment UVF and obtained his commission with the Ulster Division in 1914, being deployed to France in 1915 with 10th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles. On Thursday 7th June 1917, he had just reached the final objective of his battalion when be was hit in the ear. He went back to have the injury dressed, and on his return he was shot in the abdomen, and died in a few minutes. His final letter home, written on the eve of the battle, includes these words, "Have no regrets for me if I fall. I am only doing my duty, and making the same sacrifice for my King and country that thousands have already made. I am going into action in high spirits, in the sure and steadfast faith of Him who has promised never to leave or forsake us. With love to all at home." His brothers and sisters commissioned Evans & Barr of Belfast to construct a two-manual and pedal organ which was installed in Drew Memorial Church and dedicated by the Right Reverend Doctor Charles D'Arcy (Bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore) on 9th May 1919. The organ (with the dedicatory plaque) was later moved to More (St. Peters) Church in Shropshire. It was probably sold when Drew Memorial Church closed in 1994 and the building sold to Dwyers GAA- they subsequently had the Church demolished and built new premises on the same site.
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Erected by the members of the McLaurin family/In Loving Memory of our dear Brother/ROBERT MCLAURIN/Lieutenant of the 10th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles/killed in action at Messines 7th June 1917

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