Napoleon commemorative stone

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Reference WMO/293036


Madeira Road




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Status: On original site
Type: Freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Within a garden/park/churchyard/enclosure/Marketplace
Description: Board/Plaque/ Tablet
  • Metal Brass
  • Stone Granite
Lettering: Raised
  • Revolutionary/Napoleonic (1792-1815)
About the memorial: Granite block with plaques commemorating Napoleon being detained in Plymouth Sound
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Plaque 1- 1815-2015 / Napoleon, Emperor of the French, was detained on / HMS Bellerophon in Plymouth Sound from 26 July to 4 August 1815. / Large crowds came to catch a glimpse of him. / These two blocks of granite are from Dartmoor Prison, / where thousands of French prisoners were held captive during / the Napoleonic Wars. Embedded, is a volcanic stone from / Longwood House on St Helena where Napoleon died on 5 May 1821. / The stones stand here to celebrate 200 years of peace between / the United Kingdom and France. / May our hearts be open to friendship / and our arms reach across the sea to unite our two nations.; Plaque 2- Union Flag with French Tricolour This project was conceived by / Michel Dancoisne Martineau and Alain Sibiril, / Honoray Consuls of France in St Helena and Plymouth. / With the support of: / Plymouth City Council, The FRanco British Community / HMP Dartmoor, The French Navy, The Royal Navy, / Brittany Ferries, St Helena Tourism / With Special thanks to Trevor James and John Dalton / Unveiled by / The Lord Mayor of the City of Plymouth, Councillor Dr John Mahony / Anna Roden and Paul Rouve / on 16 October 2015

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