Beatrice (Tilly) Shilling OBE PhD MSc BSc CEng MIMechE (LOST)

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Reference WMO/293767


Slack Lane/Primrose Lane junction

Little Hayfield

SK22 2NQ


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Status: Lost/missing
Type: Non freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Roadside
Description: Well Dressing
  • Flora and Fauna Flora and Fauna (any)
  • Other Other
  • Stone Stone (any)
  • Timber Timber (any)
Lettering: Other
  • Second World War (1939-1945)
About the memorial: A temporary well dressing tableau traditionally made from vegetation pressed into clay held in a wooden frame, but today often including pebbles, chippings, beads, fabric etc. The dressing comprised an upright oblong central panel with two narrow side panels, all surmounted by a pediment. The three upright panels formed a multicoloured contiguous display of somewhat abstract form, depicting outlines of Spitfire and Hurricane fighter aircraft above a landscape of chequered fields scattered with coins, mechanical components, RAF roundels and an exhaust manifold with Beatrice Shilling riding her racing motorcycle at the centre. The pediment bore an image of the date formed from the contrails of two fighter aircraft against a blue ground. The well dressing was displayed from 1 to 8 July 2018 and was subsequently dismantled. Although there is a category for well dressings this site does not ordinarily record them. However an exception has been made for this one due to the social significance of this lady- Beatrice Shilling was an eminent electrical and mechanical engineer who had a particularly interesting life and who solved a fuel supply failure which affected aircraft engines by fitting a simple and cheap temporary component, and by then going on to design an injection carburettor which did not suffer from the problem. Her OBE was awarded for her war work.
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