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97 - 108 of 671 results

Savile Town

Holy Innocents Parish Church

Originally sited in St Mary's Church, Savile Town. A brass plaque in a wood frame commemorates the men of Savile Town who died in the First World War. The inscription indicates that the side screen in...

Barron and Phoenix Glassworks

Cliff Street

Two memorials, one to those killed and one to those who served. Unveiled 26 June 1920

Leeds City Police B Division WW1

West Yorkshire History Centre

Illuminated Roll of Honour, with a stylised border that incorporates Allied Flags. At top-centre are two crossed Union Flags beneath a shield bearing emblems of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, w...

Delayed Action Bomb Site

Went Lane

Short, square stone of remembrance placed beside a busy road on the site of a delayed action bomb. The inscritpion is carved in capital lettering.

Green Moor

Ivy Millennium Green

Plaque attached to drystone wall in the Millennium Garden at Green Moor, in the parish of Hunshelf

Rotherham Unionist Club WW2

Unionist Club

Plain rectangular metal plaque

Talbot Lane Wesleyan Methodist Church - Roll of Honour (MISSING)

Talbot Lane Methodist Church

Framed and glazed illuminated roll of honour Cross depicted in the centre of the roll of honour and flags of the allies depicted at the base

Lance Corporal Horace Parkin

York and Lancaster Regimental Museum

Nowy headed white marble tablet mounted onto a stone backboard. Inscription in black lettering. Regimental badge carved in relief at the top centre of the tablet and floral design carved in relief on...

Downs Row Unitarian Chapel WW2 (MISSING)

Downs Row Unitarian Chapel

Metal plaque on wooden backboard. On the plaque the names include their regiment

Gunthwaite & Ingbirchworth War Memorial

Wellthorne Avenue

The two villages of Gunthwaite and Ingbirchworth did not have memorials created after the two world wars and following closure of the local chapel in 2012, the Parish Council decided to commission one...

Wheelwright Grammar School Boys WW2

Wheelwright School (closed)

Bookcase with dedicatory brass plaque in a wooden frame

Sheffield University - WW1 & WW2

Sheffield University

Book of Remembrance set in elaborate castellated stone shrine. Explanatory plaque on top of shrine Sheffield coat of arms on front of shrine.

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